Dividend Reinvestment Calculator (DRIP)

* Projected results are only as realistic as your inputs. Keep your assumptions and expectations realistic for best results.

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It's important to journal your actual dividend income journey so you can stay on track to meet your financial goals and retire with confidence!

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The Power of Compounding Interest

See the power of reinvesting dividends back into your portfolio! Whether you're using a traditional DRIP program (dividend reinvestment program) or are manually reinvesting dividends back into your portfolio, you're setting yourself up to reap the benefits of compound interest!

Our dividend calculator helps you visualize the powerful snowball effect of compounding interest on your portfolio.

Starting Balance
The starting balance is the initial amount you intend to open a position with.
Monthly Contribution
How much additional cash do you plan on investing each month?
Annual Dividend Yield
What is the portfolios expected annual payout percentage? For example, SPY offers about a 1.27% dividend yield.
Dividend Growth Rate
Solid dividend stocks have a history of raising their dividend payouts year over year to attract investors. A typical dividend rate increase is between 3% and 5% annually.
Annual Share Price Growth
How much do you expect the stocks average price return will be year over year? The average return for the S&P 500 over the last century was roughly 10% before inflation and including dividends.
Number of Years
How many years do you plan on being invested?